​​Millersburg RC Modelers

AMA Charter #2959

Millersburg RC Modelers Field Rules

The AMA Safety Code and the AMA Safety Handbook govern all flight activities.  Please read and follow the General and Radio Control sections before flying an R/C aircraft at our field.

Aircraft Operations:

Pilot In Command: The pilot in command is defined as the pilot operating the flight controls.  The pilot in command is responsible for ALL facets of operating the aircraft in a safe and competent manner.  During flight training, the pilot in command is the instructor pilot.

The field safety/flight line is marked by the orange fence. All flight operations, including taxi, takeoff and landing will be performed NORTH of the safety line. The safety line extends east and west to infinity.

Flying will be performed from one of the FOUR flight stations, at field center, marked by the four concrete pads.  Pilots must be at one of these stations for the entire flight.  Announce take-off, landings, dead-stick landings, on field intentions so that all pilots are aware.

When two or more aircraft are airborne, a rectangular traffic pattern will be followed with the upwind leg tracking over the runway centerline. Also, when multiple aircraft are airborne, a spotter is recommended for each pilot. 

During periods of NO FLY ZONE applicability, aircraft will be required to fly a pattern with both upwind and downwind passes over the runway. For utmost safety, the number of airborne aircraft should be kept to a minimum.  Also, a spotter must be employed to ensure that only one aircraft is making an over the field pass at a time.

Pit areas will be positioned SOUTH of the safety line, but not directly behind the flight stations. No taxiing or other unrestrained engine running is allowed south of the safety line. All aircraft must be physically restrained/controlled south of the safety line.

Spotter:  A spotter is designated to observe flight operations and provide the pilot of traffic, obstructions, emergency landings, etc. during the entire flight.

Internal combustion engines shall not be operated after dark or before 8:00 am or after sunset. Mufflers are required on all internal combustion engines.

Engine starting should be performed in the pit area at or near one of the openings in the safety line, restrained by a helper or mechanical device.  When starting an aircraft it must be aimed towards the north.

Electric operations will follow the above cited operations.  

Hand-launch aircraft will be launched at the opening in the safety line nearest the flight stations.

Frequency control, for other than 2.4GHz, is by pin; a flier must have the correct pin corresponding to radio frequency before operating the radio. 

Aerobatics, including 3-D, should be performed on the downwind leg of the traffic pattern, away from pilots and spectators.  If only one aircraft is airborne, aerobatics may be performed in either direction provided the plane is north of the runway centerline.

First Person View: All FPV flights require a spotter.  The aircraft will at all times be within visual range of the spotter.


All fliers shall treat other fliers and guests in a considerate manner, help ensure that spectators are aware of restricted areas, keep pets on a leash, supervise children, and see that their area is free of litter, cigarette butts, etc. before leaving the field.

Alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs are strictly prohibited on the premises. 

Be safe!  Use common sense. And most of all, have fun.

As an AMA member I agree:
• I will not fly a model aircraft in a careless or reckless manner.
• I will not interfere with and will yield the right of way to all human-carrying aircraft using AMA’s 'See and Avoid Guidance' and a spotter when appropriate.
• I will not operate any model aircraft while I am under the influence of alcohol or any drug that could adversely affect my ability to safely control the model.
• I will avoid flying directly over unprotected people, moving vehicles, and occupied structures.
• I will fly Free Flight (FF) and Control Line (CL) models in compliance with AMA’s safety programming.
• I will maintain visual contact of an RC model aircraft without enhancement other than corrective lenses prescribed to me. When using an advanced flight system, such as an autopilot, or flying First-Person View (FPV), I will comply with AMA’s Advanced Flight System programming.
• I will only fly models weighing more than 55 pounds, including fuel, if certified through AMA’s Large Model Airplane Program.
• I will only fly a turbine-powered model aircraft in compliance with AMA’s Gas Turbine Program.
• I will not fly a powered model outdoors closer than 25 feet to any individual, except for myself or my helper(s) located at the flightline, unless I am taking off and landing, or as otherwise provided in AMA’s
Competition Regulation.
• I will use an established safety line to separate all model aircraft operations from spectators and bystanders.

Membership Renewals