
​​Millersburg RC Modelers

AMA Charter #2959

1. Millersburg RC & Friends is an AMA sanctioned event. Participating pilots must have a current AMA membership

2. Overnight storage and RV parking will be provided for your convenience.  No hook ups for RVs will be available.

3. 2.4 ghz radios are strongly encouraged for the event. Impound procedures will be strictly enforced for 72 mhz equipment.

4. There will a Dawn Patrol for WWW I aircraft at 6:00 am. Flying will continue until the last man is standing

9. A pilot's fee of $10 includes your name in the pilots only drawing prize.



Registered Pilots

1. Chuck Hamilton $

2. Bob Curtis $

3. RJ Monroe $

By submitting this registration you acknowledge that you have read, understand, and will comply with the AMA Safety Code and the Millersburg RC field rules.

You Are Invited

Millersburg RC & Friends Fly-In

June 14, 2025

Come enjoy a day with friends and experience the best hobby ever! 

Food, flying, fun and a great flying site. 

Each registration will be included in the pilots only drawing.